Glen Leslie Church

& Cemetery

Alberta, Canada

Grave Stones

Glen Leslie Cemetery

Plot Plan available here.

All gravestones have been photographed as of October 30, 2023.
Please notify us if you know of new stones.
Please let us know if any errors are noted.
David Sorensen

In an attempt to personalize the graves here, we have added articles from the newspapers that we have found. Other stories are welcomed. Send to

761 Burials
346 Surnames (Includes maiden names)

A (11)

| Adam | Adams | Albus | Alexander | Allan | Allen | Ames | Andersen | Andersson | Andres | Antonio | Ask |

B (27)

| Bain | Baker | Bakkenhaug | Balmer | Bandet | Bartsch | Bates | Berg | Best | Binks | Birnie-Browne | Boe | Bouffard | Boyartchuk | Boyd | Boyer | Boyle | Braund | Bredeson | Breitkreutz | Brickwood | Brookbank | Brown | Bryenton | Bulford | Buonsignore | Burbee | Burrows | Butler |

C (22)

| Cage | Cairns | Cameron | Card | Cave | Childs | Cissell | Clarkson | Clemetson | Cockerton | Colby | Coney | Connell | Cooke | Corbin | Cote | Coulter | Cox | Crowe | Crummy | Cunningham | Currie | Czupryk |


D (14)

| Daruda | Delaney | Dewhirst | Diduck | Diederich | Dillabough | Dionne | Dixon | Doll | Donohue | Dorscheid | Dryer | Duchesneau | Dunne | Dupuis |


E (4)

| Edginton | Engelbert | Esau | Ewin |


F (20)

| Fabrick | Fells | Fenton | Fester | Field | Fish | Fitzsimmons | Fleck | Flohr | Ford | Forsberg | Fournier | Francis | Francois | Franke | Fredrickson | Friesen | Fritsma | Frunchuk | Funnell |


G (17)

| Gaboury | Gallant | Gamble | Giesbrecht | Gillespie | Ginter | Girvan | Gitzel | Glass | Goebel | Goff | Graham | Grant | Grezkd | Grodeland | Grundforsen | Gunson |


H (23)

| Hackwell | Hague | Hall | Halpenny | Hansen | Harding | Hardisty | Hardock | Haworth | Hawryluk | Heasler | Heck | Herrick | Higgens | Hillman | Hilz | Hoffmann | Hopkins | Horrigan | Houle | Hoult | Hunter | Hutchinson | Hutt |


I (2)

| Ingraham | Isaac |


J (6)

| Jennings | Jensen | Jepson | Jobson | Johnson | Johnston | Jones |


K (16)

| Kalmback | Kebalo | Kempert | Kennedy | Kiddine | Kimble | Kimmerly | King | Klimack | Knight | Kochalyk | Krahn | Kruger | Kyle |


L (26)

| LaCroix | Ladwig | Lange | Lapisky | Large | Larson | Laube | LaValley | Laverick | Lee | Leduc | Lemke | Lemky | Leslie | L'Hirondelle | Lightfoot | Lindgren | Lindley | Lindsay | Loewen | LofgrenLouden | Love | Lowe | Lucas | Lupton |

M (33)

MacAuley | MacDonald | Macklin | Magrum | Marcy | Martel | Mattoon | McArthur | McCartney | McColm | McDonald | McEwen | McFadzen | McIntosh | McLaughlin | McLellan | McNally | McPhee | McQuaig | Mcrae | McSorley | Menard | Meyers | Miller | Milner | Minto | Miseck | Moberg | Molenaar | Moody | Moon | Morrison | Muir |


N (8)

| Nellis | Nelson | Neudorf | Newell | Newman | Nickel | Nickiforuk | Norton |


O (6)

| O'Connell | Oe | Ogden | Olfert | Olson | O'Toole |


P (17)

| Parker | Parks | Parrish | Patterson | Pattison | Peckham

| Perry | Peters | Peterson | Pickwell | Plante | Podulsky | Poelzer | Pollock | Pontarolo | Potrebenko | Proffitt | Purves |


R (18)

| Redford | Rees | Reid | Renkema | Repetowski | Richard | Rigler | Ritchie | Robertson | Robideau | Rockarts | Romancewicz | Rosenberger | Roy | Ruch | Rumohr | Rutberg | Rycroft |


S (34)

| Sacchieri | Sanderson | Sarmaga | Schilling | Schmidt | Schulze | Scott | Seaman | Shedin | Shermak | Shewchuk | Shields | Shinn | Simmons | Skelly | Sloan | Small | Smashnuk |Smith | Smyle | Snisarenko Sorensen | Soucy | Spiers | Staal | Stanley | Stark | Starkey | Steeves | Stewart | Storey | Strid | Struhan | Swanson | Sydbo |


T (14)

| Talbot | Taylor | Tegart | Tempest | Thomas | Thompson | Tink | Toews | Topilko | Torgerson | Totten | Trout | Truit | Turner |


U (2)

| Ulmer | Unger |


V (5)

| Vanalstine | Van Haga | Vinet | Vittetoe | Voz |


W (19)

| Wakelin | Waldner | Wales | Walker | Wearden | Webster | Weegar | Welander | WesloskiWhaley | White | Wiebe | Willetts | Williamson | Winter | Witherly | Withers | Woolsey | Wright | Wurst |


Z (1)

| Zenner |